Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Month in Review.


Goodness this past month has been a whirlwind…

I have desperately wanted to post blogs about all my trips but have not had ANY time, so heres a little rundown for you….

Since I last blogged I have traveled to some awesome places and had some amazing visitors!

October 23-31: My fall break in Spain! I traveled to Barcelona, Madrid, Toledo, Granada, and Sevilla! My favorite was Granada!

In front of the breath-taking Alhambra.

November 6-8: “Adventure Weekend” at Preseli Ventures in Wales! This was one of my all time favorite weekends! We hiked, jumped off cliffs, swam in the ocean, and went sea kayaking, I think everyone can infer how hard it was for me to leave…

Jumping off a cliff, thank you waterproof cameras.

November 13-16: Mom and Dad in London! I had the best weekend with my parents! From lunch at their favorite pub to La Cage Aux Falles to high tea to Mom’s pictures… I have so so many amazing memories! I only wish that Heath, Kir and DB could have been with us!

The Dicken’s Inn- the perfect way to start a trip :)

November 20-24: LINDSAY & Taylor! This past weekend was amazing! Lindsay flew from Dublin to visit me and more importantly to go to the Taylor Swift concert! We had the best weekend in London! We did everything; fish and chips, Harrods, changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace, Notting Hill (where we met Taylor Swift), Billy Elliot, gelato, embankment at night, National Gallery, and an amazing concert at Wembley Arena, just to name a few! It was so hard to see her go!

Lindsay, Taylor Swift and I

I hope you all have wonderful Thanksgivings! Mine won’t be the same without the Bracken/ Barrett/ Gearity clan...



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