Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just Touched Down...

I'm in London!

Landed at Gatwick around 7 (2 east coast time) this morning, lugged my rather heavy (you were right Dad) bags to the Victoria station express. From there I had an awesome cab ride to our hotel. My cab driver was nice enough to show me some sites along the way.

I waved to the Queen in her palace (I learned that the flag at full mast meant she was actually currently in the residence), saw Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, and even the Jersey Boys theatre (thought of Matt of course!). I can't get over how beautiful all of the buildings are, I love the architecture!

I was then the first to arrive at the hotel, the SU staff had not even finished setting up! I was even able to take a power nap before I went to greet the buses of the group flight.

Still haven't secured a phone or a flat, but that's the mission for tomorrow! We are about to go explore the neighborhood pub for a relaxed first night!

Hasn't set in that this beautiful and old world city will be my home for the next 3 or so months, but I so excited to explore it and make it my own!

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