Saturday, August 29, 2009

Welcome to My Blog!

I was inspired to start this blog after two of my friends (Lindsay in Dublin and Tania in Florence) started similar ones to record their experiences abroad. It seemed like the best way for me to track my travels and an easy way to keep my parents in the loop (also much cheaper than trying to call the states).

As many of you already know I am about to travel to London to spend the fall semester of my junior year studying abroad. I am very lucky that Syracuse has awesome abroad programs so I am actually studying at a Syracuse University center in London.

I chose to opt out of the pre-arranged housing that Syracuse provides so my roommates and I will find a flat when we arrive Tuesday morning, it will be the first adventure of my time abroad…

I am very excited for this amazing experience I am about to embark on but also a little anxious. It has yet to set in that I will not be going back to the school I love so much in a few days. Though I will miss my friends that are still on campus very very much, I know this experience will be well worth it.

I am most looking forward to discovering this new city that is soon to become my own! After living in New York City (well Dumont, NJ) this summer I am excited to master a new and different city and travel on very different buses… The lovely NJ Transit buses I came to know very well will be replaced with the iconic red double-deckers!

After I get to know and fall in love, as my Dad assures me I will, with London, I also look forward to traveling throughout Europe. I am lucky enough to have good friends who are studying all over; Beans, Rachel and Ari in Madrid, Tania in Florence, Lindsay in Dublin, Abby in Paris… Needless to say, I think I can find some pretty good tour guides in a few cities.

As of now I only have one trip planned, Oktoberfest weekend with my ski teamers, but I know that is just the start of what will be lots of travel. As my friends like to remind me I can't be in one place for very long, so I assume that will translate to lots and lots of traveling while abroad. I would love suggestions on where to travel!

As aforementioned I am so excited for all the adventures I am about to experience, I'm even packing my climbing shoes- praying that there is some bouldering in London somewhere- if I could find it in NYC I hope to be able to find it in London!

I hope you will join me on this journey and please please leave comments- I know I will miss a lot about the states but most of all I will miss all of you so please keep in touch! Also feel free to email me at

And as I'm sure I will get used to saying...

